Veduta aerea Bernalda

High energy efficiency in the Domus for the elderly and disabled

In Matera it was made an excellent reception center and listening in the countryside, a great home for homeless young people with disabilities, in need of rehabilitation and for people and elderly in need. The structure, the Institute Trinitarian Fathers of Venosa (PZ), is Scorzone in Bernalda (MT) and consists of several buildings with patient rooms for a total of 196 beds, a dining hall with 240 seats, laboratories scientific and therapeutic education professional for kids with physical and / or mental and a seminar room. Domus also includes a modern center for the treatment of Alzheimer’s and for the elderly in need in need of assistance, representing, therefore, a real garrison therapeutic model and a reference point in the complex area of diversity and disabilities.

The redevelopment work

The original building, an old farmhouse, is completely devoid of technological and needed to be equipped with systems that would ensure integrated type, as requested by the client, a perfect integration of architecture and plant engineering, with particular attention to the prerogatives of end users : persons with physical and / or mental. The cost of operating costs in respect of all facilities, together with the autonomy of the individual areas of use, and the minimization of costs, following a strategy aimed at saving energy.

Experience Designer

How long it took to design the whole thing?
“Questo cantiere per noi è stato molto impegnativo, ma ci ha dato una grande soddisfazione. Ho eseguito in prima persona la progettazione di tutta l’impiantistica, insieme all’Ing. Antonella Rinaldi, e questa fase è durata, nel complesso, oltre un anno, perché ovviamente abbiamo dovuto procedere per fasi”.

How much staff is occurred for the realization of these installations?
“Per la realizzazione abbiamo impiegato più o meno 3 anni di lavoro, con una presenza media di circa 8-9 persone
in cantiere. Alla fine del 2012 tutti gli impianti meccanici erano in attività”.

What were the demands of the customer?
“La prima richiesta del committente è stata quella di poter separare la climatizzazione area per area e di poter
gestire la temperatura in modo diverso anche a livello di uno stesso piano; questo perché può succedere che la
struttura abbia aree non occupate che, quindi, devono essere mantenute inattive. Abbiamo scelto Grundfos per la sua consolidata tecnologia all’avanguardia nel settore della movimentazione dei fluidi liquidi e per la flessibilità nella gestione e nel contenimento dei consumi energetici che viene assicurata utilizzando questi circolatori, i quali consentono di lavorare non a portata fissa, ma variabile. Al variare della portata del fluido, quindi, la pompa lavora a più o meno giri e si attiva solo quando è necessario: se la richiesta è bassa la pompa diminuisce i suoi giri, ed è proprio questo che permette di risparmiare”.

There have been problems of design or installation?
“No, l’unica cosa a cui bisogna sempre prestare attenzione è che gli impianti siano tutti in condizioni di operatività
per quanto riguarda la manutenzione; per questo, ad esempio, è sempre bene sempre cercare di mantenere l’altezza del circolatore intorno a un metro e mezzo, in modo che chi interviene non debba faticare durante la fase di manutenzione. Se vengono lasciati spazi molto ridotti sorgono inevitabilmente difficoltà realizzative in corso d’opera”.

The commissioning of the required special precautions?
“Che la risposta delle pompe fosse tempestiva e coerente con il variare delle condizioni di richiesta da parte delle utenze. Abbiamo verificato questo punto tramite le informazioni direttamente ricavate dalle sonde ambiente e visualizzabili su pc, attraverso il quale avevamo impostato le condizioni che dovevano essere mantenute di norma in
ogni locale”

The proposed solution

The company ACOGEI srl (Construction Management Support Equipment) Altamura (Ba) takes up the challenge and coordinates both the design and the supply and installation of all the technological systems at the Institute. For power plants air conditioning, booster of the fire suppression system and water supply and sanitary drinking. They are selected and supplied equipment Grundfos. The new pressure groups Specifically, ACOGEI opts for: a pressure group Y HF 02 / C for the fire-extinguishing system, comprising a motor pump and a motor pump, to ensure the autonomy of intervention even in the absence of electrical energy by means of a reserve of fuel supplied in the group; a booster set variable speed Hydro MPC-E / G 3CR 3×400 15-05 / 50 for the transport of drinking water in all the service areas of the structure; a group of increase in pressure variable speed H MULTI-E G 10-06 2 CRE 3×400, formed by two pumps, for feeding to the drains of the toilet.

The air conditioning system

In addition to these systems, to stand out in functionality is the air conditioning system, powered by heat pump air / water producing heat transfer fluid heating / cooling for the power plant type radiant floor air conditioning and other utilities. The transport of heat transfer medium at the end of each area to be air conditioned, including patient rooms, spaces for entertainment activities and specific areas of physical education and / or professional, occurs with circulatory Magna Series 2000 Twin type, favorite, among others , for their ability to guarantee low consumption and high reliability. The choice of the type twin, with alternating operation of the engines, in fact, responds to the request for total guarantee coverage of continuous operation, without interruptions caused by any failure of one of the two motors. Each pump, is installed downstream of the distribution manifold of the heat transfer fluid with the adoption, upstream, a mixing valve to respond to the variation of required thermal load, operates at constant pressure with the variation of the thermal load and serves a specific area of ​​the structure, carrying the fluid to the air conditioning terminal.

The distribution of comfort

For the dining hall and the conference room we have been provided, in addition to the radiant floor systems, full fresh air with UTA equipped with heat recovery air / air. Whether patient rooms that areas aimed at activities such as educational workshops and professional education, are enslaved to a centralized control and management of heat and humidity conditions, required by and in each area, which manages each circulator and allows the different areas, equipped with probes for detecting the ambient temperature and humidity, the complete and automatic regulation of climatic condition.

Management of comfort

Thanks to the choices made and the synergy between users with low energy consumption and the centralized system for the management of the air-conditioned building, the Institute is now possible to better coordinate, and will, the temperature control of each area, depending on the needs of individual guests staying in the hotel. Is also guaranteed immediate information regarding the operating conditions of the system, as well as an important reduction of energy consumption, made possible by the use of circulators with inverter, which, by allowing the pumps to work at variable flow, then vary according to the the required thermal load and the flow of heat transfer fluid, allow to obtain an energy saving of over 30%.